Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Getting closer.Last week I was accepted into Brooklyn Law School.Two days later (by the date on the letter) I was accepted into Vanderbilt (Nashville, for those not in the know).That leaves 8 of the 20 schools that I applied to still undecided. 8 schools: 4 first decisions from NYU, Yale, Stanford and Berkeley; 4 final decisions from Harvard, Chicago, Columbia and Cornell.All 8 are among the elite "Top 14" of law schools. 7 of the 8 are the seven most selective.I'm thinking March is going to be a rough month... rougher if the waiting extends into April and beyond (which it does do). But I have not been rejected yet -- thank goodness for small miracles.
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 13:32.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
|Dear Toby.|Dear Toby,I apologize for saying that I hated you. Please let me into your law school.Sincerely,You Know Who
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 18:00.
|Definitely.|Has the spelling of this word changed or am I just crazy for seeing "definately" everywhere that I look?
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 13:19.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
|In a world gone mad, gripped with fear and drowning in its own bile, one man...|is having a super day.I found an a program that will get my movie and tv files onto my iPod. The first one I found didn't work at all. The second one did, but they came out upside down. The third one would not make ones that actually went onto my iPod. iTunes works, but it doesn't work with "muxed" audio video files, which of course mine area -- plus iTunes takes about 18hrs per 20min-long episode. Finally, there is Videora. It's free. It's fast. And tomorrow I'll be laughing at aerobicizing at the gym in the AM.A student in class today made a point about Lukes' third dimension of power, saying that it was, really, just a variation of what Lukes' describes as a second, limited, dimension of power. My teacher agreed. I held my tongue until after class, went to speak with her, and convinced her that the said student was incorrect (not because I have anything against him, but because he just mostly [not entirely] wasn't correct).I received my w-2. This has been a major source of concern of mine, because I need to do my financial aid and while the FAFSA and Need Access forms are done, schools need my tax returns to do anything for sure. Plus, having the refunds back would be pretty nice.I received a Dean's Scholarship from Cardozo. It's for $10k/year contingent upon maintaining a 3.3 GPA (among some other things).I got into PENN LAW! This is amazing. Amazing 'cause I was deferred. Amazing 'cause it's the #7 ranked law school (I know I'm against USNWR, but it is convenient and shallow and just allow me to indulge right now, will you?). And it's amazing because it breaks me free of the line of demarcation I feared was going to be set by Michigan, which has its Affirmative Action taint.On Monday, death was shooting from my mouth and arse, on Wednesday I had a paper due for reading I had fallen behind on due to all of the death-spewing, and on Thursday I get into another top law school.What will they think of next?
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 17:50.