Wednesday, January 26, 2005
No one raises his hand anymore.
In class.
Remember the days when the teacher would call out a question and the hands would all shoot up, quivering in the hope of being called on? That was way back in the beginning... Kindergarten, 1st Grade? Time passed, fewer and fewer hands shot up. The hands that continued to shoot up are the hands that join mine at Columbia.
Only, our hands barely make it above ear-level. Is it that we sense we are surrounded by people with equally good responses or comments? Have we been spoon fed humility so much to the point that even when a question is directed to us we aren't quite sure we are to answer it?
On the rare chance that a hand breaks through the glass ceiling and makes it as far as the head, it's only to rest on the head in an awkward semi-erect fashion. Almost to say to the professor, "My hand may be raised, but only if you think it's raised because you want to call me on me to answer your question. Otherwise it's not raised and this is just where I like to rest my hand."
At this rate, will we even bother to speak in class in grad school or just stare blankly, inconspicuously at the white board (grad students don't use chalk)?
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 22:02.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Professor Joke of the Day:
While drawing a diagram of an "average" on the blackboard in discussing sequential versus probabalistic laws, Prof. S, my Statistics and Methods teacher, said, "Here is a picture of what we mean, no pun intended."
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 16:45.
Friday, January 21, 2005
Well it appears that 2005 is off and going at break-neck speed...
Last evening I discussed my chances for going abroad with Dean McD and she said that I would most likely get to go, but that my going would be provisional (provided that my cumulative GPA begins to look more like my term GPA for last term and the one that we are in come the end of the semester) and that I take French over the summer (which I was already planning on doing and recently discovered that the scholars program that I am in and basically ignore might actually pay for that over the summer).
I came home today to find that there was a moving bin in my room full of my roommate's (ex-roommate?) belongings and him putting more stuff in it.
Then I went to my computer, checked my email and the gaie sex sites I'd left up. Recently I got new pics taken of me (for free by an amateur photographer) and the response has been very nice, actually. On one site, which allows you to semi-track people, in one day 130 guys looked at my profile -- that's up from some days when NO guys bothered to look.
And then in my email was one with the subject, "CONGRATULATIONS!" And no, I didn't win a free IPod Mini. I did get the internship that will make my semester harder but will allow me to afford to go to study abroad in Paris, should I get into the program.
le sigh.
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 17:39.
Monday, January 17, 2005
My spring semester does not start for another 18hrs, yet I'm already behind on the reading. My teacher for Contemporary Civilizations sent an email to the class: "You may already know this, but I wanted to remind you that you should read 'What is Enlightenment?' for the first class. Look forward to seeing you Wed."
Frick on a stick!
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 16:40.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
After being fed up with some of the dumb things gaie guys say and ask in the negotiations of hookups via online media, I posted the following rant on Craigslist:
"Musc Top - Discreet - 22
So, I'm a fit, musc top and the other day I was chatting with a guy late at night on to hookup. He lived only six blocks away, needed to travel and I could host. He asked me, "Are you discreet?" I should have said, "yes." I didn't. I'm too smart for that. Instead I explained why that question has no bearing on our situation and he was turned off and decline.
Gaies, listen up. "Are you discreet?" is a stupid, useless question because chances are the guy whose place you are going to for sex is not going to tell his doorman that you are at his apartment to fuck or suck cock or get fisted or whatever the hell you are going to get into. What you mean to ask is, "Are you masculine?" because what you want to know is whether or not the guy you are speaking with is so flamingly gaie that if anyone sees you with him in the ungodly hours of the night they will immediately surmise what the two of you are up to and alert the homobashing squad to your location and also send a pic of the two of you together to your mother's wireless phone.
Don't ask if I'm discreet. Ask if I'm masculine. And I am. And that's all I had to say. Comments are welcome."
Normally when I post looking for sex, I receive a response, maybe three. Usually most of those are people toying with my time. But, to this... why you'd think I was a hurricane-weary Florida or a tsunamied Thailand, the response... the outpouring.
In twenty minutes 14 guys responded, each one wanting to have sex with me. Only two mentioned my ad, and mostly as a sidebar. I feel that if I had caveated the "musc" with "black" the response would not have been so great and swift.
When did crazy, bitter ranting evolve into sex appeal? Is this an argument for punctuated equilibrium, because this wasn't the case three months ago.
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 03:05.
Friday, January 14, 2005
A new semester is upon us. And I think I am finally done registering. I do not believe that I won the internship that I applied for before the Winter Recess, so I'm taking six classes this term. I am hoping I will be able to handle it, since I did pretty well last term and I know that I could have performed better.
And the wild card sixth course that I am taking: Domestic Animals and Human History.
Sounds interesting, no? One reviewer of the professor mentioned something about the professor's "animal porn"-related work -- while that was for a different class that was not ostensibly about animals at all, I feel like something of the sort must come up in a class devoted to fauna. And it's that hope that will get me to go to each and every lecture (here's hoping he doesn't mention it before the midterm).
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 14:08.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
I spent this evening away from home... my computer... sex... in Queens watching "Troop Beverly Hills" and making peanut butter cookies (not from a recipe, but not really from memory either) with Ms. Martinez.
Some things are so wonderful.
And now, a little SubTalk: "Step aside inside; it will speed your ride."
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 01:55.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Whole Foods Joke of the Day: "Kielbasa? Not much. Kielbasa with you?"
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 01:31.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
I think that my roommate is finally gone.
He had said he was leaving on New Year's Eve, yet he's continued to be here. His suitcase has remained packed, but consistently open. At one point his laptop had disappeared, but then reappeared shortly thereafter.
But this morning, around 5AM I awoke to what I think were the sounds of him leaving. For the first time in months, the table is cleared, all of his books are back on his bookshelf, and both his suitcase and laptop are MIA.
I think he's gone. At what am I doing on my lunch break? Making the right calls and finding the right forms to get him out of here, as I fear his laziness will get the best of his "threat" (read: promise) to move out.
promulgated by SWS2.1 at 13:00.