Thursday, September 30, 2004

Having absolutely no concept of politics whatsoever, SWS2.1 has chosen to distill the first half of tonight's presidential debate down to it's simplest form for those of you who may have tuned in late.


Moderator: "... Ninety seconds, Mr. President."

Bush: "The War on Terror is hardwork. It's not easy working hard on this hard work that's the War on Terror. Hard work. Hard work. Ward hork. Hold on, that's not right. Heh. The War on Terror is really hard, it's hard work."

Moderator: "... Mr. Kerry, response?"

Kerry: "Well, all I can say is I was in Vietnam, so I know what's Vietnam going on. And when I came back from that war, the Vietnam War, I realized two things Vietnam: 1) That I was in the Vietnam War and 2) that I was in a war that was taking place in Vietnam. Vietnam. Vietnam War. Vietnam. That war, the Viet-"

Bush: "I-I-I. Can I say something?"

Moderator: "Uhm, sure. Go ahead, Mr. President."

Bush: ::pauses for dramatic effect of overblinking:: "Vietnam was one thing, but hard work is a whole other breed of cat hard work."

promulgated by SWS2.1 at 22:07.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

La semaine dernière j'ai pris un petit quiz dans ma classe de Francais. Après, je me suis rendu compte que j'ai mal compris une des deux questions sur l'examen. J'ai espéré que mon mal entendu ne serait pas trop mal pour mon note. Aujourd'hui, elle a dit que tous les examens étaient si mauvais qu'elle ne marquerait aucune note pour personne ce fois. Elle était en colère un peu. A la fin de classe, elle nous a rendu les quizs, pendant que ça elle disait qu'elle a écrit des bons mots sur un ou deux examen, mais pour la plupart... Sur mon quiz elle a écrit: "Très bien. Sauf, je ne comprends pas la fin." J'ai voulu dire, "She is always hot." J'ai écrit, "Elle sent toujours chaud." Peut-être cela n'a pas raison en Francais? Je pense maintenant il devait être, "Elle se sent toujours chaud," parce que "se sentir" est pronominal. Aussi, après ma reponse à la première question, elle a dessiné une visage souriante. Donc, je m'inquiète de rien!

Last week I took a mini-quiz in my French class. Afterwards, I realized that I had misunderstood one of the two question on the test. I hoped that my misunderstanding would not be too bad for my grade. Today, she said that all of quizzes were so bad that she would not put down grades for anyone this time. She was a little angry about it. At the end of class she gave our quizzes back to us. While she was handing them back, she said that on one or two tests she said good things, but for the most part... On my test she wrote, "Very good. Except, I don't understand the end." I wanted to say, "She is always hot." I wrote, "She is always feels hot (to the touch)." Maybe this isn't right in French (or in English, for that matter)? Je think now it should be, "She always feels hot, herself," because "to feel" is pronominal. Also, after my answer to the first question she drew a smiley-face. So, I was worried about nothing!

I'm relying on you (Michelle? Liz?) to correct my French above. I am pretty certain there are massive mistakes, although I think mostly with tense. Let me know.

promulgated by SWS2.1 at 15:32.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

As told to me by a porn star (well, a porn actor) after giving me great head: "Wow, you have a great legs. Really, what do you do to get hot legs like that? You should consider wearing shorts more often. Mmm."

And I have no reading for tonight because I did it all in advance!


promulgated by SWS2.1 at 01:04.


Monday, September 20, 2004

In starting to move jivejournal entries over to this blog, I realized that I don't have the strength for such a massive and fellatiating endeavor. Moreover, it just creates issues of continuity (the first entry on my blog would be about me struggling with the layout of my jivejournal?!). So, instead I think I'm either only going to tranfer over the entries I liked the most and they will get archived but I will note on them that their genesis was elsewhere, or I will see if I can create a special folder (like the Archives) on here all for them.

promulgated by SWS2.1 at 15:56.


So it's definitely the case that I did not ever manage to getting around to moving all of my entries from my jivejournal to the blog. I didn't even touch the thing until a couple of hours ago. After finishing my Durkheim reading, Suicide, I was suddenly overtaken with the desire to buckle down on my blog. So, I settled on a design that was me, altered it to my liking, added a photography by yours truly and voilĂ !


Oh, wait. No one knows this exists yet. Give it time.

promulgated by SWS2.1 at 04:51.


|Septimus Warren Smith 2.1|

I went to an Ivy League undergrad.
I go to a top NYC law school.
I date men (well...).
I live in Bed-Stuy.
I don't need more to say,
just more room to say it.


August 2004 September 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007 June 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 March 2008 May 2008 June 2008

|Nouvelles Fleurs|

How I Met Your Mother
Pushing Daisies

|Les Invités|

Big-Brained Opposable Thumbed Bipedalism
La Troisième Queue
The Search for Love in Manhattan

|Human Nature|

Ivy Blues
Listen Up
Wish You Were Here


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